Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dear Diary: Big Changes

My friends and readers...

It turns out that events conspired to allow me to move in with Robby sooner, much sooner than expected. Although I lost a month of rent due to being unable to give proper notice, I am now living in a house which is a ten minutes' walk from work, and where my boyfriend lives too. It is a three bedroom basement apartment, and the third room is taken up by a rough and tumble old friend of Robby's that he grew up with. It's a bit of a challenge coping with not having my boyfriend's attention for all the time we're both home, but he needs to settle in and get used to it being our house for a while. We don't have a home internet connection yet, but I do finally have a kitchen I can cook in. I immediately made a huge pot of stew which we have been enjoying, though it turned out a bit bland. The basement apartment is freezing, due to recent cold weather, and the hot water pipes were frozen still this morning. I sleep in my clothing for the added warmth. Hopefully it will warm up soon.

More later. My head feels a little stifled with the noise in the library. Huron and Highbury is a wonderful area. My bank, my favorite grocery story, a Shopper's Drugmart and a branch of the London Library are all on or near the same corner. I will likely be back to take advantage of the free wireless internet with my laptop, and I imagine Robby will be too.

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