I'm sure it's no surprise to the mythical creature that I might suppose actually reads this blog that I haven't posted anything new in a full month now. Allow me some forgiveness, friend, for I have been much busier of late, with a great deal of nothing to do. My time at the townhouse with friends who eventually became enemies has finally come to an end as one of them not so patiently reminded me that I had been invited to stay temporarily, as a guest, and as uncooperative as the bureaucracy of our welfare system had proven to be, as impossible as it was to arrange to have my own place to move into, I would, in fact, have to be leaving. About now.
Let it never be said that I don't listen when told I am unwelcome. I left that very day, and have since then been back on the streets; so to speak. I returned to Crash Beds until one fateful night that Crash Beds was full, and the lady on duty told me it was her job to refer me to the Salvation Army. Not wishing to return, I resolved to try to find a place outside, on my own, to sleep, and try I did, but the night was cold and so after a brief nap I shivered and shuffled my way to the remaining refuge, where I was welcomed and led to a bed. It's been several days since then. I spend my days solving Sudokus, playing piano at a safe place during the day sometimes. I have been keeping a diary of sorts. Perhaps some time when I have more time for typing, I will share parts of it with you. I am attending a creative writing workshop called "Grit Uplifted," too, which is giving me the spark and the challenge to write some interesting things. I hope it continues to do so.
I should note that I have actually found some happiness in this wandering homelessness, free from being trapped in a safe place with bitterness and hateful politics. I feel much more self-driven, and actually find myself relaxing sometimes. It's a nice change.
For now, farewell. The library is about to close, and I would hate for this post to be delayed.
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